
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Sephali Mohanty” ,找到相关结果约1100条。
A Note on an Order Level Inventory Model with Varying Two-Phased Demand and Time-Proportional Deterioration  [PDF]
Sephali Mohanty, Trailokyanath Singh, Sudhansu Sekhar Routary, Chinmayee Naik
American Journal of Operations Research (AJOR) , 2024, DOI: 10.4236/ajor.2024.141003
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to generalize the effect of two-phased demand and variable deterioration within the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) framework. The rate of deterioration is a linear function of time. The two-phased demand function states the constant function for a certain period and the quadratic function of time for the rest part of the cycle time. No shortages as well as partial backlogging are allowed to occur. The mathematical expressions are derived for determining the optimal cycle time, order quantity and total cost function. An easy-to-use working procedure is provided to calculate the above quantities. A couple of numerical examples are cited to explain the theoretical results and sensitivity analysis of some selected examples is carried out.
Vocational Counselling and Transition Skill Training for Adolescents with Special Needs  [PDF]
Atasi Mohanty
Creative Education (CE) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2015.62024
Abstract: Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood which implies many developmental changes and challenges. One of the most critical turning points in the lives of adolescents is the transition from schools to the world of post-secondary education, employment, and life in the general community as an adult. Developing independence, examining one’s talents and interests, deciding upon a career path and pursuing either employment or additional schooling are just some of the challenges that youth in transition face. Moreover, the children with specific disability and special needs are faced with some serious challenges like un-employability, social maladjustment, and emotional disturbance etc. as the period of transition approaches. These adolescents are unemployed at a higher rate than their general peers, tend to drop out of school halfway, and are more likely to get involved with criminal activities. Thus, the education and rehabilitation of these young children with special needs has really become a challenging field in recent time. Counseling and informal education generally would enable these exceptional children to overcome their disability to a large extent and make them effective individuals in the society. The present paper highlights some of these crucial issues.
Affective Pedagogical Agent in E-Learning Environment: A Reflective Analysis  [PDF]
Atasi Mohanty
Creative Education (CE) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2016.74061
Abstract: In educational research the relationship between affect/emotion and performance on cognitive tasks is well documented in both the neuroscience and psychology literatures. Researchers have claimed that emotions play a vital role in perception, learning, decision making, rational thinking and other cognitive functions. At the same time some others have added that both the positive and negative affective states are equally important in the learning process. In the real-life physical learning environment students’ affective feedback is a major cue that human tutors use to constantly adapt their teaching strategies, so that learning would be most effective and efficient for each individual learner. Thus, in e-learning environment it’s a research issue to think about how to design an artificial affective tutor or pedagogical agent, who can respond to students’ emotion and accordingly guide and motivate them for better learning. However, for post-secondary learners it may be relevant, but for secondary level Indian students can it be feasible and cost-effective ICT learning tools. This raises many more questions about content, pedagogy, software designing and implementation of affective pedagogical agents as ICT learning tools in Indian school education system.
Influence of Temperature on Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Parameters of Biosorption of Cr(VI) onto Fish Scales as Suitable Biosorbent  [PDF]
Srividya Kondapalli, Kaustubha Mohanty
Journal of Water Resource and Protection (JWARP) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2011.36053
Abstract: In this work the potential of fish scales as a suitable biosorbent for removal of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions was investigated at various temperatures. The influence of temperature on equilibrium, kinetics as well as thermodynamic parameters was investigated. Various isotherm models such as Langmuir, Freundlich, R - P, D - R, Temkin and Halsey were used for the mathematical description of the biosorption of Cr(VI) ions onto fish scales. It was observed that Freundlich model exhibited the best fit to experimental data. Amongst the various kinetic models tested, the pseudo-first-order kinetic model represented the best correlation for the biosorption of Cr(VI) onto fish scales at various temperatures. In addition, various thermodynamic parameters such as ?Go, ?Ho and ?So were also determined. The biosorption of Cr(VI) was found to be a spontaneous and endothermic process.
Effects of Charity on Social Welfare: a Theoretical Analysis  [PDF]
Madhu S. Mohanty
Sociology Mind (SM) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/sm.2011.12004
Abstract: Using a social welfare function approach, this study theoretically demonstrates that charity and selfless service contribute positively to the welfare of the society without reducing welfare of any individual and thus they invariably lead to Pareto-improvement in social welfare. In other words, a society, regardless of its current level of development, can attain a higher level of subjective wellbeing if the affluent class voluntarily undertakes the service activities that benefit the needy.
Exploring the Efficacy & Suitability of Flipped Classroom Instruction at School Level in India: A Pilot Study  [PDF]
Atasi Mohanty, Dipti Parida
Creative Education (CE) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2016.75079
Abstract: The objective of this study was to compare the impact of flipped mode and traditional mode of instruction, on the learning outcomes of Grade VIII school children in History and Science; 90 primary school children from Odisha (India) were randomly assigned to either of control (traditional instruction) or experimental (flipped instruction) group. Pre-test scores of both the groups were compared through “t” test; the obtained “t” values of -0.019 and 1.931 were found to be insignificant (p > 0.05) which revealed no significant difference between these groups at the beginning. Thus, both the groups were assumed to have equal variance and after 01 month their post-test scores in History and Science were again compared to examine the impact of different instructional intervention/s. The obtained “t” values of both the groups’ post-test scores comparisons were -5.592, -3.260, found to be significant at p < 0.01 level, and confirmed the difference between control and experimental groups. Mean scores of flipped and traditional instructional groups further strengthened the positive impact of flipped mode of instruction on children’s learning outcomes in History and Science. The study recommends for future work on flipped instruction with larger sample for educational implications.
Engineering Education in India: Preparation of Professional Engineering Educators  [PDF]
Atasi Mohanty, Deepshikha Dash
Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies (JHRSS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/jhrss.2016.42011
Abstract: In 21st century, engineering education in India faces significant challenges as it requires meeting the demands of technical profession and emerging job market. Researchers have found some universally preferred, yet challenging skills for global workforce, e.g., science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), statistics and data analysis skills, are of the topmost priority. Moreover, after being the signatory of Washington Accord, India needs to reinvent not only the India Inc., but also its technical/engineering education system. Recently, we have witnessed a major shift in customer relationship and business strategies of corporate houses. Nowadays, e-learners and online consumers are increasing, for which we have to update our digital world, i.e., infrastructure, content/ domain knowledge, educators/HR trainers. Thus, our technical faculty should need to learn the innovative approaches to teaching and learning, which in turn will require effective professional development for both new and experienced instructors alike. It is high time now to redesign our curricula, pedagogy and make the pre-service teacher preparation programme mandatory part of technical higher education.
Making Work Volition to Predict Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members in Higher Educational Institutes  [PDF]
Jagannath Mohanty, Alamzeb Aamir
Theoretical Economics Letters (TEL) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/tel.2018.87092
Abstract: Academic literature on business management indicates employee job satisfaction as a key workplace factor. Increased productivity is often construed as a dividend accruing from job satisfaction. Therefore, organizations strive hard through organizational policies and processes to ensure employees are satisfied with their jobs. Work volition is generally understood as the degree of freedom organizationally available to choose a job profile. This paper explores the role of work volition in job satisfaction. It is assumed that chosen work roles catalyze the process of job satisfaction. The paper factors in internal and external job satisfaction as contributors to overall job satisfaction. The results from this work reported a significant impact of work volition on both internal and external satisfaction.
Lepromin response with dharmendra antigen in patients with leprosy
Mohanty J,Mohanty H
Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology , 1997,
A Novel Technique for Determination of Flow Characteristics of Blast Furnace Slag  [PDF]
Supratik Dash, Nachiketa Mohanty, Upendra K. Mohanty, Smarajit Sarkar
Open Journal of Metal (OJMetal) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ojmetal.2012.22007
Abstract: A study of flow characteristics of blast furnace slag helps determine its softening and flow (liquid-mobility) temperatures. The slag with a narrow difference between the two temperatures is termed a “Short Slag”. Its formation ensures higher rates of slag-metal reactions with the trickle of the slag soon after its formation exposing fresh mass for faster reactions, the trickling slag, creating fresh interfaces facilitating slag-metal exchanges. In the present work, a novel technique is adopted to determine the flow characteristics of blast furnace slag obtained from different industrial blast furnaces. It is seen that the results so obtained agree very closely with the values obtained from adopting conventional methods of determining the liquidus temperature using “slag atlas”. It is observed that under the range of compositions studied a high C/S ratio combined with a high MgO content in the slag is beneficial to the B.F. process as it renders a “short slag”.

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